Nov 20, 2008

Tripping in the hollows - writing and section updates

Thanks for your patience with the topics, folks...I do hope you've been enjoying shenanigans with Wittman Ah Sing, with the anti-hollowness energies of Solnit.

*Update on section: we will meet in the flesh the week we get back from the holiday.*

**Proposals: I will continue to comment on proposals over the next few days, but if you have immediate questions, send me an email.**

You can take till next Wed., 11/26 for this next post on Solnit and/or Kingston.

Write a response on at least one of the following topics:

+ Identify a perplexing passage, chapter, or character in Tripmaster Monkey and do a close reading to try and get at the tensions within. The idea behind this topic is to find a way to navigate the polymorphic, meandering currents of the text. Does this style have anything in common with other texts we've read? How does style function here, and what purpose does it serve?

+ How does one describe Wittman Ah Sing?

+ Find a side reference in Kingston or Solnit and draw out its significance in the work. Can you find other details to deepen the connection? Post links or secondary sources to your blog. Your selection could be a passing literary or cultural reference in Tripmaster Monkey, for example, or a social/artistic movement mentioned in Solnit.

+ What sorts of visions of San Francisco do Kingston and/or Solnit present? What do they perceive to be the current state of San Francisco, and what is to be done next? (Note: easy-out answers like, "Kingston imagines an SF without racism" or "Solnit imagines an SF without consumer greed" will be sacked.)

+ Connect a key component of Solnit's discussion in Hollow City with one or more scenes, interactions, characters, etc. in Tripmaster Monkey. Does Solnit's reading of present day San Francisco connect with Kingston's novel written thirty years prior?

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