Dec 6, 2008

The finish line

New final paper procedures:

Final papers/projects for LTEL155B (San Francisco) must be turned on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, BETWEEN 4-7PM, in KRESGE 321. (Alternatives to this date, room, or procedure must be worked out with and approved by your TA via email or in person.)

If you have made special arrangements with me, please verify that I've received your paper after you send it - I will send confirmation notes by email.

Thanks again for your work this quarter. Good luck with your projects!

Dec 1, 2008

December in SF

Merry December, gang. It's section season!

Section will meet this Thursday.
7:30pm, Oakes Acad 102.

(No responses due this week)

Since your final papers are due a week from Tuesday, let's use the meeting to
1.) do some solid workshopping of drafts, arguments, theses, creative works, etc.
2.) swap interests, approaches, obsessions related to San Francisco and the quarter's themes.

There are a few of you who are nearing the final stages of your projects. It would be great if you folks could prepare a brief discussion/performance/reading/etc. of your work.

In that spirit, please bring one or more of the following to the meeting and be prepared to talk about what you're working on:
+ Draft
+ Thesis and outline
+ Lists of passages
+ Creative works
+ Statements of poetics

Thanks, and see you soon. Hope you had an excellent few days off.